photo taken by Toni on her tour of the hydroponic greenhouse |
Curiosity and need drive invention! Publications on the topic of hydroponics date as early as the 1600's. In the 1930's at the University of California (Berkley), William Frederick Gericke began investigating the topic in detail and published The water-culture method of growing plants without soil. The paper continued to challenge the thought that soil was required for a plant to grow. As the years passed, people traveled more and lifestyles changed, people across the globe wanted their fresh vegetables. But, what were they to do in places such as the beaches near the Pacific Ocean? There is little to no soil in that region...but, lots of sand to provide physical support. It was found that if they infused the water with the needed vitamins and minerals, the plants were able to thrive and produce.
Experiential learning at its best (I even got to eat some of the produce on the tour) |
Nutrient solution chart |
Trellis for support |
Sand for support |
PVC for support |
Citrus farming in the Southeast |
- Modern/traditional agriculture often makes use of hybrid (mixed or modified) seeds. Advanced equipment is used to help the plants grow to their genetic potential with large yields. Water irrigation, fertilizers and pesticides are used to give the plant an advantage in the field. When people think of modern agriculture in the Midwest, they often think of rows of corn or soybeans. In the Southeast, someone may think of citrus groves. Both of these are great examples of modern agriculture.
- The term organic has a specific and approved definition. Most generally, it can be understood that, organic food is produced by farmers who emphasize the use of renewable resources and the conservation of soil and water to enhance environmental quality for future generations. An organic production system is one that is managed in accordance with the Act and regulations in this part to respond to site-specific conditions by integrating cultural, biological, and mechanical practices that foster cycling of resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity. For example, produced chemical pesticides and herbicides are not used in organic farming practices.
- Hydroponic growing is a growing method that uses nutrient rich solutions and alternative means of physical support to grow plants without soil. Often times, people confuse hydroponic growing with organic as they envision a completely aseptic environment in a greenhouse that would not need the aid of pesticides. Yes, if hydroponic growers use the aid of a greenhouse they can more easily grow plants without the aid of pesticides given the highly controlled environment. However, hydroponic growers are permitted to use pesticides, fertilizers, mineral salts and other inputs that would prevent the grower to claim their product as certified organic.
I can weigh in with my thoughts based solely based on the priorities listed below. Keep in mind these are my personal opinions...and as such they are not Gospel truth with all produce or in all circumstances.
COST - If cost is your focus and you want to have the most fresh fruits and vegetables for your dollar, generally, modern agriculture produces a safe foodstuff at a reasonable price.
TASTE - Well, what you prefer as a flavor depends on your palate! John O'Neil, produce purchaser for the Patina Restaurant Group believes that the hydroponic vegetables are lacking flavor. While one consumer stated, "Hydroponics have a wonderful flirting mild flavor, unlike the crass overpowering aftertaste of common veggies inoculated with dirt and creepy crawlers." It also depends on the produce consumed and the conditions in which it was grown, stored and prepared.
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT - Organic farming has a focus of sustainable agriculture leaving little/no chemical residue on the land. As such, it has gotten the most press for its environmental impact. When looking at hydroponic farming, it allows us to preserve precious water. Yes, hydroponics grow plants in water...but, in a very controlled environment. Thus, hydroponic growers can easily recycle the water not absorbed and it can be reused providing a significantly lower water requirement per plant. Depending on your environmental priorities as an individual, the two options listed here would be a good choice if you are concerned about mother earth.
FOOD SAFETY - Because of the practice of using manure as a fertilizer in organic growing and modern agriculture, hydroponic growing would be the safest way to avoid bugs like E Coli and Salmonella.
NUTRITION - According to a met-analysis of the evidence comparing organic and traditionally grown products, vitamin C tends to be a little higher but protein tends to be lower when comparing organically grown produce to traditional growing practices. According to a recent article in the Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry, when looking at a variety of antioxidants, organically grown produce tends to have a greater concentration compared to produce farmed with traditional practices. Ultimately, the growing conditions themselves have the largest impact on the product. Nutrient content of the soil or solutions applied to the plants, light exposure, temperature, moisture in the air and more can significantly impact individual nutrients in measurable ways.
HEALTH - Because of the nature of research, there is little research documenting human health in response to consuming foods primarily from one of the above methods. Unfortunately, not enough is known long term for me to make any recommendations.
I do feel very passionately about one choice that takes all of the above into consideration....plant your own garden! Whether it be your own hydroponic garden or backyard raised bed, you never know what you are missing until you dig in and do it. Gardening is very rewarding and delicious. Mmmmmm!
Savannah and Clayton in 2009 with our garden veggies |